Y5 : 投影機 專門店 |專售投影機投影幕 | Y5.HK 非凡電商 |主頁 | Y5.HK |您的微型投影機專家

Y5.hk open link

Y5.hk Daily Stats
Daily Unique Visitors   Daily Unique Visitors 37
Daily Pageviews   Daily Pageviews 294
Daily Ads Revenue   Daily Ads Revenue $0
Y5.hk Monthly Stats
Estimated Monthly Stats   Monthly Unique Visitors 1,086
Monthly Pageviews   Monthly Pageviews 8,682
Monthly Ads Revenue   Monthly Ads Revenue $9
Y5.hk Yearly Stats
Yearly Unique Visitors   Yearly Unique Visitors 13,438
Yearly Pageviews   Yearly Pageviews 107,381
yearly Ads Revenue   Yearly Ads Revenue $107

Y5.hk or simply y5 receives roughly 294 pageviews (page impressions) daily from it's 37 unique daily visitor. Y5 was registered and it's hosted on the IP Address Unknown in Unknown, XX. It has an estimated worth of $37 and a global Alexa rank of 3,973,628.

Updated 2 years ago

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Y5.hk Basic information

Domain name y5.hk

投影機 專門店 |專售投影機投影幕 | Y5.HK 非凡電商 |主頁 | Y5.HK |您的微型投影機專家



投影機 微型投影機 | 專售各種微型投影機產品,歡迎批發零售。設有體驗館,歡迎親臨體驗。地址 :油麻地彌敦道494-496號晉利商業大廈9樓全層 | 開放時間:星期一至日早上十時至下午九時 | 電話: 3111 6899 | 亦設網上商店及送貨服務,可隨時選購。

Y5.hk Alexa Stats  

Global Rank 3,973,628
Links in 0

Y5.hk Location Stats

IP Address Unknown
Country XX
Region Unknown
City Unknown

Y5.hk Header

  Y5.hk DNS Records

  Y5.hk SSL Certificate

  Y5.hk WHOIS

Whois server by HKIRC
.hk top level Domain names can be registered via HKIRC-Accredited Registrars.
Go to https://www.hkirc.hk/content.jsp?id=280 for details.

Domain Name: Y5.HK
Bundled Domain Name: Y5非凡電商體驗館.香港
Domain Status: Active

DNSSEC: unsigned

Contract Version: HKDNR latest version

Active variants

Inactive variants

Registrar Name: Hong Kong Domain Name Registration Company Limited

Registrar Contact Information: Email: enquiry@hkdnr.hk Hotline: +852 2319 1313


Registrant Contact Information:

Holder English Name (It should be the same as your legal name on your HKID card or other relevant documents): KIT LAM
Holder Chinese Name: 林杰
Email: ivan.ng@fmarketing.hk
Domain Name Commencement Date: 08-10-2013
Country: Hong Kong (HK)
Expiry Date: 08-10-2022
Re-registration Status: Complete
Account Name: HK5934306T

Technical Contact Information:

Given Name: KIT
Family name: LAM
Company Name: KIT LAM

Name Servers Information:


Status Information:

Domain Prohibit Status:

The Registry contains ONLY .com.hk, .net.hk, .edu.hk, .org.hk,
.gov.hk, idv.hk. and .hk domains.

WHOIS Terms of Use
By using this WHOIS search enquiry service you agree to these terms of use.
The data in HKDNR's WHOIS search engine is for information purposes only and HKDNR does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. The data is provided to assist people to obtain information about the registration record of domain names registered by HKDNR. You agree to use the data for lawful purposes only.

You are not authorised to use high-volume, electronic or automated processes to access, query or harvest data from this WHOIS search enquiry service.

You agree that you will not and will not allow anyone else to:

a. use the data for mass unsolicited commercial advertising of any sort via any medium including telephone, email or fax; or

b. enable high volume, automated or electronic processes that apply to HKDNR or its computer systems including the WHOIS search enquiry service; or

c. without the prior written consent of HKDNR compile, repackage, disseminate, disclose to any third party or use the data for a purpose other than obtaining information about a domain name registration record; or

d. use such data to derive an economic benefit for yourself.

HKDNR in its sole discretion may terminate your access to the WHOIS search enquiry service (including, without limitation, blocking your IP address) at any time including, without limitation, for excessive use of the WHOIS search enquiry service.

HKDNR may modify these terms of use at any time by publishing the modified terms of use on its website.

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